Jeremias Hammerstein August 04, 2020 etventure News, Magazin, wavespace The Future of Data Startups in Europe and how to shape a European Data Economy – ”We should get rid of all the fear to use data” Many of the most groundbreaking technologies of our time (e.g. Deep Learning) require access to huge amounts of data to reach their full potential. On a global scale, many countries globally have recognized that the handling and processing of these large data sets depend...
Jeremias Hammerstein March 26, 2020 Magazin, wavespace The Future of Education – how to build future-ready education What do we have to learn today to be prepared for tomorrow? What skills, what knowledge will we need in the future to be able to succeed in the working world?
Sebastian Wolters February 26, 2020 Magazin, Trends, Viewpoints Value creation in the digital age – monopolisation, networking or demise! Why German SMEs must act now and how digital platforms can help.
Regina Dank February 24, 2020 Magazin, wavespace When the future of mobility comes together in a “creative space” – how co-pace drives innovation When it comes to innovation and digitalization, the concept of a “creative space” keeps popping up. Why should companies with smoothly running departments and processes, send their teams to a neutral place lacking all of that?
Jeremias Hammerstein November 27, 2019 Magazin, wavespace etventure drives big data analytics for big corporations Together with Europe’s 40 most promising startups Due to the fast-paced digitalization of the last decades, big companies are confronted with ever-larger amounts of data. The conventional business intelligence structures used so far are overstrained. At the same time Big data solutions like, for...
Selina Bubendorfer November 19, 2019 Magazin, wavespace insurHUB 3.0 – when competitors become partners In this post in our “wavespace residents” series we would like to present the insurHUB program. Five renowned insurers put competition aside to collaborate on innovating in the insurance industry and rethinking insurance. Yasmin Saathoff, manager at EY Innovalue and project coordinator for the...
Regina Dank July 24, 2019 Magazin, Tools & Methods, wavespace Does Artificial Intelligence always make the better decision? Big Data, Artificial Intelligence – terms that have dominated the business world for quite some time and which, among other things, provide a large mass of data that not everyone knows how to deal with properly. Our next “wavespace resident” deals with decision making...
Jeremias Hammerstein June 07, 2019 Magazin, wavespace How to scale your startup to Berlin – Recap Deep Dive Week Berlin Berlin has established itself as one of the most important startup hubs in Europe over the past years. Its digital economy is booming – the economic federation partner “Berlin Partner” estimates that around 300.000 new jobs will be created in the next 15 years....
Regina Dank April 24, 2019 Magazin, wavespace Real estate visit “remote” Our series “wavespace Residents” enters the second round. This time we present the startup of Berlin Hyp, OnSite ImmoAgent GmbH, with its managing director Viola Siedler. A lot of time is spent and, in the end, no suitable real estate is available – a...
Regina Dank April 24, 2019 Magazin, wavespace “For 12,99 € to Platform Champion” At the beginning of April, wavespace Berlin Kreuzberg again filled up with numerous guests – this time to listen to the hotly discussed topic “Platform Economics”. Three representatives with first-hand expertise were guests: Sarik Weber, Chief Digital Officer of the traditional company Ottobock, Product...
Lydia Pohl March 11, 2019 etventure News, Magazin Corporate meets Startup Interview: Successful Collaboration Between Exit Entry and EY etventure Startup Hub fosters the collaboration between corporates and startups in various ways and is also partnered with Startup Lighthouse, a project that helps startups scale into different European markets. Each partner organizes “Deep Dive Weeks” in different cities all over Europe – a...
Regina Dank March 05, 2019 etventure News, Magazin, wavespace Review: Meetup in January & MegaTalk in February January & February saw two events around the themes of Energy and IoT in the Automotive Sector The “Future of Energy” in January was 2019’s first edition of our meetup series the “Future of Industries”. It takes a deep dive into a selected industry...
Regina Dank February 27, 2019 etventure News, Magazin, wavespace Drones and tradesmen. Is that possible? wavespace Berlin Kreuzberg offers startups and corporates the opportunity to work together in modern premises and labs, to network and create innovations together. Who these “residents” are and what topics and technologies they work on, we would like to present in our “wavespace Residents”...
Marie-Christin Bergmann November 16, 2018 etventure News, Magazin, wavespace wavespace Berlin – Opening of the innovation hotspot Berlin has gained a new innovation hotspot: On Wednesday evening in the heart of Kreuzberg the new wavespace was officially opened by etventure and EY, guests of honour such as Brigitte Zypries, former Federal Minister, as well as 200 other guests from business and...