Regina Dank July 24, 2019 Magazin, Tools & Methods, wavespace Does Artificial Intelligence always make the better decision? Big Data, Artificial Intelligence – terms that have dominated the business world for quite some time and which, among other things, provide a large mass of data that not everyone knows how to deal with properly. Our next “wavespace resident” deals with decision making...
Brigitte Galiger July 13, 2018 Tools & Methods Toolbox “Digital Transformation” – 7 steps to the digital business model Talking about digital transformation is easy, but it is still difficult for companies to implement. The vast majority of companies are aware that something has to be done – but the “how” presents them with a great challenge. The “Digital Transformation” toolbox now helps...
Maureen König July 02, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods #DIGITALLEARNING 7 – Agile Leadership Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to digitization. Therefore the etventure Learning Hub regularly presents methods, tools and know-how around digitization and innovation with the blog series #DIGITALLEARNING. This time it’s about agile leadership. Behind agile methods like Scrum or Lean Startup...
Gregor Ilg June 26, 2018 Tools & Methods A testing mindset – in search of a product market fit “There is a way to do better. Find him!” – Thomas Edison At etventure we have tested many different approaches in numerous innovation projects. And it has been confirmed again and again: Success cannot be planned. You have to be aware of this at...
Doris Bärtle June 15, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods #BetterWork – Joint the etventure blog parade +++ UPDATE +++ In the past weeks we have already received many exciting contributions to our blog parade #BetterWork. Many thanks to all participants! At the same time, we have received several inquiries as to whether contributions can also be submitted later. We know...
Maureen König May 23, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods #DIGITALLEARNING 6 – Business Model Canvas Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to digitization. Therefore the etventure Learning Hub regularly presents methods, tools and know-how around digitization and innovation with the blog series #DIGITALLEARNING. Today we are talking about the business model canvas. In our last blog post...
Gregor Ilg May 17, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods Future of Work – Why do we actually need a new working world? Last year, Germany had the highest gross national product of all time, the lowest unemployment rate since the fall of the Berlin wall and technological progress is almost unstoppable. Do we really have to deal with the new working world under these circumstances? Things...
Felix Schröder May 14, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods, Trends Differential Privacy: A way to balance privacy and data analysis The latest scandal surrounding Cambridge Analytica has put the Internet giant Facebook into the biggest crisis in its history. And yet this is just one prominent example of the misuse of sensitive data. No wonder people are increasingly concerned about how and by whom...
Maureen König April 25, 2018 General, Magazin, Tools & Methods #DIGITALLEARNING 5 – Digital business models Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to digitization. That’s why the etventure Learning Hub regularly presents our readers with the #DIGITALLEARNING blog series, providing them with methods, tools and know-how about digitization and innovation. Today, they will give you an overview of...
Maureen König March 22, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods #DIGITALLEARNING 4 – Lean Startup Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to digitization. That’s why the etventure Learning Hub regularly presents our readers with the #DIGITALLEARNING blog series, providing them with methods, tools and know-how about digitization and innovation. Today’s article is all about the Lean Startup...
Jenny Maertens March 09, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods Cognitive Biases – That’s how unreliable we think Cognitive biases are mostly unconscious, systematic distortions of our perceptions, decisions and judgements. Our ideation experts show why biases are relevant for generating ideas and give tips on how their influence can be reduced. Heuristics: abbreviations of the brain Every day, more than 5...
Kristopher Berks March 02, 2018 Tools & Methods Product development: From hypothesis to experiment Product development is confronted with the constant challenge of supplying the customer with a product that exactly meets his needs. In our new blog series, etventure’s product managers provide an insight into their work and approach. The focus is on hypothesis-driven product development. In...
Isabell Gollmer February 27, 2018 Magazin, Tools & Methods #DIGITALLEARNING 3 – Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to digitization. That’s why we regularly present our readers with the #DIGITALLEARNING blog series, providing them with methods, tools and know-how about digitization and innovation. Today’s article deals with OKRs – the leadership method using Objectives...
Jenny Maertens February 23, 2018 General, Magazin, Tools & Methods For game-changing ideas it takes more than brainstorming New ideas are the motor for economic change. But how do we get really good ideas? Our ideation experts present three factors that you should take into account when generating ideas. In the design thinking process, a whole section is devoted to the topic...