While Virtual Reality (VR) only offers a key to a new world, Augmented Reality (AR) “expands” the world we live in. Thereby, the technology provides helpful context information or adds features to an existing application. But why is there currently such a hype surrounding...
Cognitive biases are mostly unconscious, systematic distortions of our perceptions, decisions and judgements. Our ideation experts show why biases are relevant for generating ideas and give tips on how their influence can be reduced. Heuristics: abbreviations of the brain Every day, more than 5...
New ideas are the motor for economic change. But how do we get really good ideas? Our ideation experts present three factors that you should take into account when generating ideas. In the design thinking process, a whole section is devoted to the topic...
What used to be the company suggestion scheme is nowadays internal idea competitions and startup challenges. Whatever you may call it, the result is usually the same: Campaigns, workshops and incentives are designed to encourage employees to come up with ideas that can increase...
With the series “Innovation – A Human Perspective” we want to take a look at what digital development actually means for people. In part 1 we experienced a brilliant fireworks display with huge technological leaps during the New Year’s Eve night, which catapulted us...
“Only true entrepreneurs drive digital business” – under this central claim, etventure is now presenting its own business areas in a new light and grouping the different corporate activities into four pillars of innovation: Startup Innovation, Corporate Innovation, Teams for Innovation and Space for...
“Just a decade ago, the world was perfectly fine for traditional banks”, according to Manager Magazin. Since the financial crisis and bailouts through taxpayers and governments, banks have struggled to rebuild their customers lost trust. As Manager Magazin puts it: Digitalisation is a chance...
This week (07/13/2015), reknown German business newspaper Handelsblatt reported under the headline “The Nerd in my company” on innovative strategies and cooperations between startups and medium-sized companies.” Both sides benefit from these cooperations. Startups bring in new perspectives, energy and the methodology to react...