Als einer, der ständig nach dem Warum? fragt, stellt Alexander Popowitsch seit März 2017 nicht nur die richtigen Fragen, sondern vor allem das Content Marketing bei etventure.
We continue with our “People of etventure” series. This time Principal Peter Feldmeier explains to us why a team of open, curious people is needed for good consulting. And why he would like to visit Antarctica. What are you doing at etventure? In my...
In our “People of etventure” series in 2018 we want to take a look behind the scenes and introduce the people who develop and implement digital ideas every day at etventure. Carolin Kröger, Principal at etventure and expert in the field of insurance and...
We continue with our People of etventure series. This time our startup guru aka Head of Company Building, Sebastian Esser, talks about his professional and private life. What are you doing at etventure? I manage the etventure Company Builder and oversee our start-up portfolio...
Our People of etventure series enters the next round! This time we talked to user experience designer Vanessa Wälzer. What are you doing at etventure? I am User Experience Designer, which is something like an advocate for users of (digital) products or services. For...