Become a Digital Champion – Day of German Industry 2015 with etventure and Kienbaum
04. November 2015
How can Germany’s industry face the challenge of digitalization, what can industry 4.0 offer? How can german politics offer an innovation-friendly climate to secure its industry leading position in the future of 4.0. The Day of the German Industry 2015 showcased strategies and possibilities for digitalization and industry 4.0. All parties agreed that digitalization not only is a social matter but one of the work culture and industrial value creation, too.
German chancellor Angela Merkel and Minister of economy Sigmar Gabriel followed the invitation of the Federal Association of the German Industry and its president Ulrich Grillo. Special guest this year was the British minister of finance, George Osborne. Also present were representatives of Bündnis 90 (green party) and the FDP. 1.200 high-ranking guests from economy associations and politics were present at this years event, all under the theme of “Germany 2030”.

“Become a Digital Champion!” – Whoever does not digitalize now, leaves the value creation to others. Ulrich Grillo, president of the federal association of the german industry with Fabian Kienbaum, Jochen Kienbaum and Philipp Depiereux
Fabian Kienbaum, CEO of Kienbaum and Philipp Depiereux, founder and CEO of etventure gave an exclusive insight into the strategies and methods of a successful partnership. From the identification to the integration of digital strategies all the way to creating a innovation-friendly company culture: the initiation of a digital unit inside a company promises to generate innovative ideas in a secure environment, without interfering with present company processes. The so-called lighthouse projects can be initiated quickly and afterwards be reintegrated into the firm’s core business. Especially important for the initiation of such a “Digital Unit” are the employees, their competencies and skills.
With digitization, the demands on the employees and their managers are also changing. “Digital leadership is key to strategic success.”, says Fabian Kienbaum. “With etventure’s digitization know-how and our expertise in the fields of human resources and management, we have found the ideal partnership to create working environments that unite the benefits of startup mentalities with traditional company culture.” We focus primarily on human resources, recruiting and employee diagnostics to make the company in question fit for the future in terms of its personnel and culture. This offers companies insights into how far along they are with the digital transformation of their business model.
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“Being digital also means being fast. Are you fast enough for the digitalization?”
Becoming a “Digital Champion” with customer focus
“The pace”, as Ingo Kramer, President of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations states, “is set by our customers.” Digitization is changing our society as fundamentally as the Industrial Revolution did and is also having a tremendous effect on the style of value creation. Digitization is doing for the mind and for a company’s spirit what the Industrial Revolution did for muscle power”, as Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Thyssen Krupp AG aptly notes: Digitization will change the organization and working culture – there is no recipe for that. But whoever doesn’t start now, has already lost the fight.” This requires continuous reflection on one’s own business model. Digital competition then only leads to the question of: “Who connects best with the customer?”
“Digitization is a must for almost every branch of industry. In order to also be able to achieve the change in company and working culture, we are working together with Kienbaum to achieve the conditions for the development and above all the execution of new digital business models and digital units. Together, we have formed a partnership that allows us to support companies not only with their digitalization but also to shift their company structure and work culture to allow sustainable digitization of their business models.”

Fabian Kienbaum, Christian Lindner, Federal Chairman of FDP and Philipp Depiereux at the Day of German Industry 2015 (v.l.)
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