Let’s be honest: Business Models are less durable than they used to be. There are many successful disruptive stories out there, like Bitcoin bypassing traditional banks, Uber sidestepping the license system, Airbnb shooting ahead of the hotel industry. How do they achieve and come up with their innovative business models? How can your company benefit from it? What is the first step?
In our 2-Day-Workshop you experience practical answers and you will design your own innovative business models.
Develop Your Own Business Models

Work With Innovative Models

1-DAY | Generate Ideas
Why Business Model Innovation?
- What is Business Model Innovation?
- What differentiates Startups’ business models form traditional ones?
- What’s the future of business models?
- Why is Business Model Innovation important for you?
Get to know the modern Innovation Methods?
- Introduction of Innovation Methods & Tools
- What are characteristics of Business Model Innovators? – Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Ideation – Design Thinking exercises
2-DAY | Validation
Design Your Business Model?
- Introduction Business Model Canvas
- Practical execution of Business Model Canvas
- Business Model Challenge
Presentation & Next Steps?
- Development of first prototypes
- Definition of hypotheses and Roadmap
- Group/Team presentations
Further Workshop Offer
From Idea to Digital Product Within 5 Days
Develop innovative ideas for your business – in a matter of days.
- Quickly find winning ideas
- Validate business opportunities
- Encourage collaboration
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Andreas Stark
VP North America