Doris Bärtle

Doris Bärtle ist PR Managerin bei etventure. Zuvor arbeitete sie im Bereich Unternehmens- und Markenkommunikation und im Event Management.

May 30, 2016

Corporate meets Startup – European Innovation Hub brings together companies and startups

Collaboration with startups offers companies access to new technologies and trends. However, collaborations between companies and startups often fail due to their completely different working methods, company cultures and interests. With the new “Corporate meets Startup” program, the etventure subsidiary European Innovation Hub intends to create a bridge...

April 04, 2016

Two worlds merge – FintechStars in the media

Traditional investment managers are facing increasing competition from digital robo-advisors which provide their clients with digital investment solutions. They also offer great potential with regard to ETFs – Exchange Traded Funds, for private investors in particular. Gregor Puchalla, Managing Director of the etventure subsidiary...